
Verbena Strings is a versatile ensemble that provides professional, polished musical experiences for weddings, private events, and corporate functions in the greater Los Angeles area. The members of Verbena Strings are conservatory trained, professional musicians who regularly perform on Los Angeles' concert, recording studio, and rock stages. Combined, Verbena Strings' founders have performed classical, pop, and jazz music for hundreds of weddings and private events.

Your event is more than just a gig to Verbena Strings! We love working with our clients to assist with music selections and create a unique event that is tailored to your individual style. We offer experienced advice and guidance for your musical decisions so that the process is stress free from the planning stages to the event itself.

Verbena Strings prides ourselves on flexibility. We love to accommodate special requests for your favorite songs and can offer different sized ensembles to fit your needs, from solo performances to string quartets. Please visit our Pricing and Listen pages for more information, and feel free to contact us with any questions. We'd love to hear from you!

Meet the founders



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