Linnea Powell

Linnea Powell

Linnea Powell has performed as a soloist, orchestral musician, and chamber musician throughout the United States, the Netherlands, Portugal, Austria, Canada, and Guatemala. She currently enjoys a multifaceted career as a freelance violist in the Los Angeles area, performing regularly as an orchestral, chamber, and studio musician. An avid interpreter of new chamber music, Linnea is a member of the Los Angeles new music collective Wild Up and recently founded Aperture Duo with violinist Adrianne Pope.

Linnea received her Master’s degree and Artist Diploma from the University of Michigan, where she was the Graduate Teaching Assistant to Yizhak Schotten and violist of the Rosseels Graduate Honors Quartet. She received her Bachelor’s degree with honors from the University of California at Santa Cruz.

When not playing or teaching music, Linnea can be found swimming in bodies of water and looking for places to picnic in and around Los Angeles.



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